While most people will be involved in at least some sort of fender bender in their lives, those who have been impacted by a serious car accident know all too well how another driver’s negligence can turn their world upside down.
If you have been injured or suffered serious damage in a car accident, you not only face the task of recovering, but you will likely spend the next several months battling insurance companies and fighting for the money you need to cover medical bills, lost wages and repairs.
Turn to a firm you can trust to help you pick up the pieces, advocating on your behalf to insurance companies and holding responsible drivers accountable for the pain you face.
Get The Compensation You Need To Cover Medical Injuries And Lost Wages
At Maduforo & Osimiri Law Office PLLC, our lawyers represent injured individuals, helping them get the compensation and damages they deserve following a car accident. We are experienced and ready to immediately start investigating the accident and begin negotiations with insurance companies. Our attorneys carry the legal burden on your behalf, handling the claims and settlement process. This allows you to focus on what’s most important: the fullest recovery possible.
We know how much medical care costs. We know how much money you are losing while you are unable to work. We are dedicated to fighting for the full amount of compensation you are owed — and you need — so that you can get back on your feet physically and financially.
Our team will carefully investigate exactly what happened during the accident. Often victims of car accidents are paid less than they deserve because insurance companies find a way to shirk liability through a loophole or shaky evidence. Our attorneys are skilled at cutting through this to get to the truth and protect the rights of our clients.
For more information, call our Dallas law offices today for a free initial consultation.